Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - April 18, 2021


What we'll be looking at from the Gospel of Luke this week:

Image - Luke 11.45-54 (When We Find Jesus Insulting).001

If you don't like the hypocrisy we so readily see in many religious people, you're going to love what Jesus has to say. 

In this study of an episode from the life of Jesus, we're going to see some folks get deeply offended at what Jesus said, and we'll learn how that's actually good news for our lives. 

Indeed, when religion is almost always equated with "do more, be more" and seems to load you up with impossible regulations and heavy burdens, we find in Jesus something entirely different, something refreshing and light, a buoy for our souls. 

And when we find it, we can sing, "I have found grace / It's all that I've found / And I can breathe / Breathe now" (from U2's "Breathe). 

Join us this Sunday in person or online as we seek to grow in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.