Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - January 19, 2025

I've been reading a book that may just be for me an early candidate for a book of the year. It's called "Made for People: Why We Drift Into Loneliness and How to Fight for a Life of Friendship."
He picks up on what sociologists have been saying: we're facing an epidemic of loneliness.
But he takes it even further: "The current of modern life means that unless we swim with all our might in the other direction, we will drift toward being someone who used to have friends."
Wow. That's a sobering thought.
When Jesus launched his movement into the world, it was more than what we might describe as a spiritual revolution. It was also a social revolution.
As everyone knows, Jesus was drawn to the outcasts, the misfits, and the marginalized. And his followers gathered together in communities where rich and poor, slave and free, male and female met together as equals.
Jesus birthed a new way of being human. And it created people who were drawn together because of him--people who became good friends who loved deeply.
Join us in this second installment of our series, "Realigned," as we examine what it means to be realigned within the ekklesia (the church)--to be formed into a people who don't pretend to love one another, but who actually really do love one another, and so demonstrate they are the disciples of Jesus, the one who loved us and gave himself for us.
We hope to see you at 5pm at Rivergate (5422 Cole Lane, College Station). Doors open at 4pm.
Here’s the link to our Digital Worship Folder.
See you there!
Pastor John
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What does it look like when we are realigned by the Gospel of Jesus?