Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - August 1, 2021


Graphic - Luke 12.41-48 (Right Now Counts Forever).001

When we open the pages of Scripture, we are confronted with the life and ministry of Jesus of Nazareth, who over and over called people to live in light of an eternity. Jesus spoke of the coming kingdom of God—the coming revolution—in which God will set this world to right.

And if that’s true—and Jesus said you should bank your life on it—then it has enormous implications for the way we live right here and right now, because right now counts forever. 

Last week, we began looking at a teaching of Jesus in which he began prepping his disciples for his eventual departure and certain return.

They could not hardly grasp his teaching that he was going to go to Jerusalem and there would be crucified, let alone that after his crucifixion he would be raised from the dead, ascend to heaven and return to usher in the full kingdom of God.

Nevertheless, Jesus needed to tell them these things because in time they would understand. 

And this prompts a question from Peter, and Jesus' response is what we'll examine this week as we dwell on the truth that right now counts forever.