What does it look like when we are realigned by the Gospel of Jesus?


Slide Deck - 1 Thessalonians 1.1-10 (Reaigned by the Gospel).001

What does it look like to be realigned by the Gospel of Jesus?

We get a powerful glimpse of this through the lives of the Thessalonians after the Apostle Paul came proclaiming that Christ is King and calling them to put their faith in Him.

  • They didn’t just hear the message of Jesus—they fully embraced it with conviction. They believed the good news that Jesus is the Christ who suffered, died, and rose again. But it wasn’t just an intellectual agreement; it led to a profound change in their lives—a complete shift in their allegiance. As the text says, they turned away from idols to serve the living and true God. This was huge, especially in the ancient world, where people believed a city’s well-being depended on the blessings of the gods they worshiped. Turning from idols was a bold and radical commitment to follow the one true God.
  • Their faith showed up in real, tangible ways. Paul highlights their “work of faith, labor of love, and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.” They didn’t just believe in theory or when they gathered together as a church—they lived it out, even when it was tough. They imitated Paul and Jesus, enduring opposition and persecution from others. Their lives became proof of the Gospel’s power to transform.
  • They didn’t keep their faith to themselves. Even in the face of persecution, they joyfully shared the Good News, relying on the power and joy of the Holy Spirit. Their faith “sounded forth” like a ripple effect, inspiring believers all over the region. It was courage, resilience, and joy in action.
  • They became imitators of other churches without even knowing it. The Thessalonians followed the example of the churches of God in Christ Jesus in Judea, enduring suffering similar to what those churches had faced And in doing so, they became an example themselves, with their faith being talked about far and wide.

So what does it look like to be realigned by the Gospel of Jesus? 

We've learned that the Thessalonians didn’t just accept the Gospel in word only—it completely realigned their lives. Their response showed conviction, love, courage, and a commitment to living out their faith in community, even when it was hard.

So for us at Mercy Hill, when we say that "We exist to see lives transformed by the Good News of Jesus" -- it isn't just a motto we have, but a reality we live for!