Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - April 23 , 2023

wf 04.23.23

04.23.23 Sermon Graphic.001

What comes to mind when you think of contentment? 

For me, it's almost always a relaxing beach vacation, watching the waves gently roll in, letting all my worries melt away as I watch a beautiful sunset. 

Which means, since I am usually not at the beach, I am discontent most of the time, right? 

But what if contentment does not have anything to do with beaches and sunsets, or nice retirement accounts, or perfect families, or going viral and becoming famous, or the thousand and one ways we dream of becoming content? 

What if contentment has nothing to do with circumstances? 

Join us this Sunday as we look at some of the final words of the Apostle Paul to the Philippians as he tells about discovering the secret of contentment. 

Here's a copy of the worship folder. Hope to see you this Sunday at the Hilton Garden Inn at 10am.

All the best, 

Pastor John