Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - April 28, 2024

04.28.24 WF Screenshot

04.28.24 Sermon Graphic

Next time in our journey through The Letter of James, we'll see the half brother of Jesus continue in his counsel about what it means to humble ourselves before the Lord, only this time James has in mind our plans for the future. 

When you think about your plans for the future, how often is your Creator taken into account? 

James is going to tease this out by asking his audience and us a crucial question: "What is your life?" 

According to James' thinking, how we answer that question--or how we should answer that question--has everything to do with the way we make our plans for the future. 

Join us at 10am at the Hilton Garden Inn. Here’s a copy of the worship folder.

See you then,

Pastor John