Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - April 30 , 2023

wf 04.30.23

Graphic - Philippians 4.14-23 (Gifts, Grace & Glory)

In this final study of the Apostle Paul's letter to the Philippians, we learn much about gifts, grace, and glory.
And we come across one of Paul's most well known sayings, "My God will supply every need of yours according to his riches in glory." 
What do these final words of Paul to the Philippians have to teach us? Plenty.
And we'll learn about a surprising way God has been arranging everything that happened to Paul to bring the gospel to the highest levels of power in the Roman Empire. 
Here's a copy of the worship folder.
Join us Sunday at 10am at the Hilton Garden Inn.
See you Sunday! 
Pastor John