Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - August 28, 2022


^ Graphic - Luke 24.13-35 (The Key to Unlocking Everything)

In Luke's recounting of the life of Jesus, he highlights a seven mile journey that a couple of Jesus' followers were on when Jesus caught up to them. 

Only, they didn't recognize him. The way Luke put it, "Their eyes were kept from recognizing him." 

Instead, they were filled with sadness and confusion at the events of the crucifixion of Jesus, and now the subsequent news that his tomb was found empty. They were overwhelmed simply trying to make sense of it all. 

That's when Jesus began to open the Old Testament Scriptures to them, and their hearts burned within them. Then Jesus joined them for a meal, and in the breaking of the bread, their eyes were mysteriously and wonderfully opened to see and recognize Jesus before them. 

Join us as we look at this strange and interesting account as Luke highlights a few more witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus. 

And in doing so, we'll see Jesus as the key that unlocks everything. 

Here's a copy of our worship folder for this Sunday

See you at 10am on Sunday at The Hilton Garden Inn

Pastor John

PS: We will no longer be broadcasting a livestream of the service through Facebook.