Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - March 26, 2023

wf march 26

03.26.23 Sermon Graphic.001

One cannot live escaping the storms of life. Sometimes we encounter seasons of storms when "sorrows like sea billows roll."

Jesus' apostle, Paul, knew deep sorrow. And the anxiety that often came with the storms of life. 

Writing from prison to his friends and fellow followers of Jesus, Paul has learned a thing or two, and so he writes encouraging words about rejoicing, dealing with anxiety, and a certain peace that defies explanation. 

Join us this Sunday as we look at what some people consider to be the most loved and well-known passage in Paul's letter to the Phililppians. 

We hope you can join us for worship this Sunday at 10am at the Hilton Garden Inn.

Here's a copy of the worship folder.

See you soon! 

Pastor John