Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - November 26, 2023

11.26.23 WF Screenshot

11.26.23 Sermon Graphic

In our study of the New Testament book of James, we'll see how James continues teaching on the issue of favoritism, only this time he'll explain to us how showing favoritism or partiality based on superficial qualities actually flies in the face of God's design for us as human beings. 

To live by the royal law of "love your neighbor as yourself" actually makes us into people who are marked by mercy instead of judgment as we follow Jesus in a new way of being human.

We'll explore this new way of being human marked by a love of mercy rather than the impulse of judgment this Sunday.

We hope to see you this Sunday at 10am at the Hilton Garden Inn.

Here’s a copy of the worship folder.

See you then,

Pastor John