Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - October 01, 2023

10.01.23 wf

10.01.23 Sermon Graphic

As we've been exploring the New Testament book of James, the author has had a lot to say about trials.

In the next passage we'll reflect upon, James is going to give some wise counsel about an angle that some people might take when they fall into trials, namely, blaming God for their own mistakes and failures. 

James writes to encourage his readers that it is impossible for God to be trying to trip us up or make us sin. It is inconceivable. 

Rather, James wants us to endure whatever trial we find ourselves in, even the trial of this life, out of love for God who will give us the crown of life for doing so. 

Join us this Sunday as we listen in on the wisdom of this ancient sage and brother of Jesus. We'll learn a lot about ourselves and get the encouragement we need to remain steadfast under trial. 

We hope to see you this Sunday at 10am at the Hilton Garden Inn.

Here’s a copy of the worship folder.

See you then,

Pastor John