Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - October 29, 2023

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10.29.23 Sermon Graphic

In our study of the Book of James this Sunday, we'll see the writer building on what he previously said to his audience, namely, "receive with meekness the implanted word." 

James wants followers of Jesus to receive or welcome the Word that God is planting in us. But what does this look like? 

It looks like faith in action. 

It looks like faith working, expressing itself in love. 

It looks like taking the good news of Jesus and fleshing it out in our lives. 

Or, in the words of James that we'll look at together this Sunday, "Be doers of the word." 

How do we become intentional students of the teachings of Jesus, not those who merely hear what he has to say, but those who actually implement what he says as we journey with him in a new way of being human? 

How do we move from being merely fans of Jesus to actual followers of Jesus?

Join us this Sunday at 10am at the Hilton Garden Inn.

Here’s a copy of the worship folder.

See you then,

Pastor John