Mercy Hill Sunday Gathering - August 13, 2023

wf 08.13.23

08.13.23 Sermon Graphic

In this week's study of The Book of Jonah, we see the surprising hardness of the prophet who'd rather die than see God's grace given to those he deems unworthy. 
We'll see the famous story of Jonah being thrown overboard into the raging sea, but as the account goes, that's not the end of Jonah. The surprising depths of God's grace find him as he sinks lower and lower. 
Join us as we explore this story and what it teaches us about the human condition, God's grace, and how it points us to the Greater Prophet to come - Jesus.
Please join us on Sunday at 10am at the Hilton Garden Inn.
Here’s a copy of the worship folder.
See you then,
Pastor John